Friday, March 5, 2010

Au revoir, nip/tuck

It seems so long ago when I started watching nip/tuck and watching the last few seasons feels like a chore, so I'm a little glad that the show stopped at Episode 100, enough for syndication.

It was so funny that their last patient was an aged Japanese porn star who died (like I didn't see that coming) doing what he loved... pun sorta intended.

I thought the loose ends tied up nicely, namely
  • Liz is finally made partner in the practice - McNamara/Troy/Cruz, but...
  • No more McNamara/Troy
  • Julia and the kids going to London - oh thank goodness...
  • Matt ends up with tranny Ava with his daughter Jenna - does the guy really not know that Ava used to be a dude? I could've sworn he knew back in the day and was okay with it.
It was so funny that the show ended up sort of like how it started - Christian picking some chick up at a bar, with him telling her that he's a plastic surgeon. I admit, it wasn't the greatest show finale, but it could also be a lot worse. My pet theory ending was that they'd end up an old gay couple together, but that's how Boston Legal ended, so...

nip/tuck is like that friend you had in elementary school that you used to hang out with all the time back then, but then you don't really keep in touch afters and that died a natural death without proper closure.

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