Monday, August 6, 2012

TNT's Monday Nights are Unforgettable?

Just bothered to watch TNT's new promo for their Monday night back-to-back dramas - Major Crimes and Perception.

I personally haven't seen Perception yet, but it's just a matter of time.

As for Major Crimes - I'm guessing that after Brenda's departure (early retirement?), Cpt. Raydor gets promoted and "inherits" the Major Crimes crew? Based on the promo, it appears  to start off like The Closer did way back when - the guys resenting the female boss. The lack of Gabriel in the promos does explain why people think he's the leak. Then there's also the absence of Pope, but that's easily explained. Doesn't explain why the black chick is there, besides for diversity...? Good to see Fritz in the promo, but I don't know if it's on a regular or recurring basis. We still have a couple weeks to wait and see.
Sorry if it sounds a little obvious - I didn't want to kill my own excitement by reading every single fan theory and news story out there about Major Crimes

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