Saw the Steven Moffat (former Dr Who show runner) take on Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
and I enjoyed the series so far, all three episodes of it.
The "pilot" loosely based on that first short story The Study in Scarlet but when Holmes and Watson was first introduced to one another? Quite spot on, I thought. Characters are pretty true to canon, which is a good thing.
I was laughing at the bit when Sherlock's sexuality was briefly, but also awkwardly addressed in the pilot - oh, that old debate about him and Watson. Who cares whether they were gay for each other or not?
I thought the introduction of (whom I guessed to be) Mycroft was unnecessary sinister - well okay, I thought it was Moriarty at first. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be Mycroft. If this Mycroft was slightly more out of shape, perhaps that mistake wouldn't have happened. I'm just saying.
I have no issues with Benedict Cumberbatch (a name you're not likely to forget once you know it) and Martin Freeman as Sherlock and John (they're on a first name basis here) respectively. The thought of Watson as a blogger tickles the mind very much, but pretty much the modern equivalent of what he did back then as a chronicler/journaler - same difference.
Conan-Doyle's Sherlock Holmes was quite a character - doing what he does without the benefits of modern technology like computers or the Internet way back when. So it was nice to see what he would do with all that in this show. I don't know about anyone else, but I like this Sherlock's wardrobe, particularly his long coat, haha. I also liked the Moriarty here as well - a young and hip one, if I may say that, haha. I also felt fooled when they brought him in earlier in the series and I didn't notice - it's practically a dead giveaway on American shows when they introduce a guest character that turned out to be the bad guy.
I hope that another series comes about soon - I can't wait to see what happened after that cliffhanger. Sherlock Holmes fans should watch this if they already haven't
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